

What a child learns at FASRI goes way beyond language.

Imagine our young students growing into adults who can grasp issues across cultures and think critically. Becoming individuals who value what makes people different. Becoming citizens who will make their mark on the world.

Your generosity is key in this process.

Your financial support helps us with everything, beyond what tuition alone can provide: from recruitment of the best teachers in both languages–to maintaining and renewing technology tools to improving our old but beloved building both functionally and aesthetically and to building rainy day funds and cash reserves. 

We hope that we will inspire you, as a member of our community of parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty and staff, friends, to join us in accomplishing our mission. There are many ways you can help:

  • Make a gift to the FASRI Fund, our annual fund
  • Attend, sponsor, donate to our annual fundraiser events such as the Family friendly 5K Run/Walk (La Course) or our Gala 
  • Volunteer: we have many opportunities available
  • Make a gift to our Endowment Fund to benefit future generations
  • Make a gift of stock, equity, shares.
  • Make a bequest: leave a legacy by remembering FASRI in your will

We welcome and need your support and involvement to serve our students. 

give now

As FASRI is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your donations are tax deductible.

Your generosity allows us to provide a truly transformative bilingual education for our students, through enrichment programs, technology in the classroom, professional development, and innovative programs such as co-teaching. Your support also means we are able to put funds aside to invest in much-needed capital improvements. Thank you. Merci beaucoup!

April 2020 Law change regarding donations: please note that the law has changed and that it is not required to itemize deductions to get credit on your tax return of up to $300.

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