
French Language Resources

General French reading resources

Helpful resources

Koobyvox - online stories for all ages. FASRI a subscription for each student that lasts until the end of August. Each student has their own username and password. - providers of bilingual books.
Il etait un histoire - a great site that has stories and songs to view and listen to online. All are easy to access.
French Books Online - A variety of books to purchase that can be searched by age. - has games and puzzles that can be done in either English or French

Cahier de vacances

Students in France often get these notebooks that have exercises, and activities for them to do over the summer to keep up with their skills.

On you can find the Passeport brand, and there are many others as well.
Also on are puzzle/mystery books leveled for the transition from year to year.


French Reading Suggestions

Click the links to see extensive reading suggestions in French. Our librarian will also be happy to help direct you and your child to other reading resources.

French reading list for Cycle 1 students (PK - K)
French reading list for Cycle 2 students (Grades 1 - 2)
French reading list for Cycle 3 students (Grade 3-5)



AEFE / Agency for French Schools Abroad
Association of French Schools in North America
Mission laïque française
National Association of Independent Schools


Dual language a website devoted to bilingual and multilingual issues, news, research and advice.
Parenting Bilingual Resources
Center for Applied Linguistics
National Library of Medicine - The Benefits of Bilingualism


Online games and activities in French

Koobyvox - online stories for all ages. FASRI a subscription for each student that lasts until the end of August. Each student has their own username and password. - providers of bilingual books.
Il etait un histoire - a great site that has stories and songs to view and listen to online. All are easy to access. contains French language educational videos
French Books Online - A variety of books to purchase that can be searched by age. has fun, educational games and puzzles that can be done in either English or French (UpToTen)
Fun, games in French, penfriends (Momes)



Albertine Bookstore
Amazon France: books and music This user friendly site organizes books by age groups and genres. Free shipping with an order of two or more books. Mention FASRI for the coupon code at checkout for a 10% discount.
French bookstore and music (FNAC)



French and international magazine subscription (ExpressMag)
French magazine and book publisher (Bayard Presse)



French site for children's CDs and cassettes (Enfance et Musique)



Alliance Française of Providence
Consulat Général de France à Boston
French Entrée
Ministère de la culture
TV5 French language satellite TV5
Villa Albertine

Small art sculpture of figurine

Painting of colors and lines