Cycle 2 builds logically upon the curriculum of Cycle 1. A key objective during Cycle 2 is for students to learn to communicate in both French and English with expanded language skills in oral and written communication.
In all areas of the curriculum students develop their vocabulary and a more complex knowledge of syntax. Throughout Cycle 2, children develop the basic languages of literacy and mathematics, and demonstrate greater independence. Students adapt progressively to their new responsibilities as elementary students. Because of the introduction of new skills and higher academic expectations, grades one and two are challenging steps in the dual-lingual program.
Language Arts (Etudes de la langue) - French and English
Through reading and interacting with a wide variety of children’s literature, students will be introduced to the basics of language arts. The program will teach students to develop strong phonics, reading, and comprehension skills while fostering a love of books and the habit of reading for pleasure. Language learning requires the constant interaction among speaking, listening, reading, and writing. In Cycle Two, students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend and interpret language and to communicate effectively. While learning a language requires systematic activities, it also takes place in all classroom situations. Building on the array of languages our students speak at home, teachers can also rely on pluri-lingual strategies to make language learning more effective.
Reading (Lire) - French and English
Formal reading skills are taught in French starting in the first grade. Because basic pre-reading skills easily transfer from one language to the other, extensive English reading instruction also begins in first grade. The goal of reading in both languages is to develop the skills and desire to read, and ultimately the love of reading.
Writing (Ecrire) - French and English
Reading and writing are two inseparable activities that continually reinforce each other in Cycle 2. The production of writing with its different functions (expression, communication, memorization) is fundamental to all subjects. FASRI has selected the Lucy Calkins Writing Workshops methodology to teach writing skills to students, in both languages. The methodology fosters joy of creative writing while teaching robust foundational structure skills that allow students to navigate literary genres with ease and in-depth.
Grammar/Spelling (Grammaire et orthographe)
Students are taught in Cycle 2 how to identify the working principles of language. Language, grammar, and spelling are ways to improve speech, reading, and writing. These gradually pave the way for mastering the French and English languages.
Speaking/Listening (Expression et comprehension orale)
During Cycle 2, oral-language activities promote good pronunciation, clear articulation, and proper intonation. Speaking activities are designed to help students organize their thoughts, transmit information, describe or explain a point of view, question or ask for an explanation, and formulate comments. Our students in Elementary enjoy weekly structured Class Meetings that allow them to learn how to speak in turn, express their feelings and opinions, and listen to others. It also helps build student's agency at a young age.
Mathematics / Coding (Mathématiques) - French and English
Instruction in mathematics and coding helps students develop an aptitude for research and reasoning. Research opportunities encourage students to experiment with problem-solving strategies and provide them with new ideas and skills. Common standards enable teachers to provide students with fun, hands-on, student-centered math activities (Maths en jouant).
Numeration (Numération) - French and English
- Knowledge of numbers up to 1,000
- Understanding of place value (ones, tens, hundreds)
- Understanding of numbers in their numeric and written form (3 and three)
- Understanding of relationships between numbers such as doubles and halves
- Develop mental arithmetical procedures: addition, subtraction, multiplication
- Master the technique of addition and subtraction with and without carrying
- Solve a problem of addition with a missing element (3+?=8)
- Geometry and Measurement (Géometrie et measures)
- Recognize, describe, and reproduce simple solids and geometrical shapes including squares, rectangles, triangles, and other polygons
- Use the calendar and calculate duration of time
- Use common units of the metric system
Discovery of the World (Découverte du monde)
History and Geography (Temps et espace) / Social Studies - French and English
The world around us provides the context for lessons intended to help children develop their knowledge of space, time, and the environment.
Civics (Education civique) - French and English
The multicultural setting of FASRI provides students with the opportunity to learn about rules and being part of a group, and respect others and their points of view. Our students in Elementary enjoy weekly structured Class Meetings that allow them to learn how to speak in turn, express their feelings and opinions, and listen to others. It also helps build student's agency at a young age. Morals and ethics are explored in French Civics. The French approach that tends to look at the society through systemic principles provides an additional perspective to the American approach that looks at Civics through the lenses of the individual experience. Respect, equity and inclusion are core values of the FASRI community.
Art and Art History (Pratiques artistiques et histoire des arts) - French
Students are encouraged to discover works of art, grasp artistic processes and develop their sensitivity and creative capabilities.
Physical Education (Education physique) - French and English
Physical education develops the student physically, socially, cognitively, and emotionally through a wide variety of activities. These include collective, individual, and expressive activities.
Science and Technology (Science et technologie)
Science (Science) - French and English
Students use a hands-on approach to the scientific method to observe, predict, and measure their familiar environment. The scientific mindset is fostered through an array of interdisciplinary projects where students take charge of their learning experience under the guidance of their teachers.
Information Technology (Sciences expérimentales et technologie) - French and English
Through library and information technology, students gain skills needed in all academic areas. Students use iPads, Chromebooks and smartboards and these tools are fully integrated into classroom activities. They develop the basic skills necessary to access and use information. Digital literacy is integrated in the learning experience, and all grades benefit from a series of workshops that teach them how to become healthy digital citizens. FASRI has selected the Common Sense Media Resources to run the digital literacy program.
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