
Coast to Coast Signature Program

Our Coast to Coast program is a yearly optional research-based stewardship program that connects the French American School of Rhode Island, Providence, Rhode Island to the San Diego French American School in San Diego, California.

The Coast to Coast Global Issues Leadership Program is an inquiry-based and student-centered, cross-age, cross-curricular, cross-school, and cross-country initiative. Using the classroom, independent research, fieldwork, and a cross- country exchange program, students from two French American International Schools of the Association of French Schools in North America (AFSA) network work collaboratively to explore questions of their choosing related to a broad global theme.

Academics- inquiry themes Cultural Exchange Language Development

Emotional Intelligence Development

I learn to digitally collaborate with pen pals/peers before, during, and after the trip leg of the program

I grow my research, analytical, critical and communication skills on a global issue theme: (Ocean Uses – 2019/20)

  • create and negotiate content
  • collect and analyze
  • compare perspective
  • share ideas
  • produce a end-product in form of an interactive presentation

All collaboratively with my peers


I stay in a host family, and I welcome a peer in my family

I explore resources related to my research field on the West Coast and the East Coast

I learn to develop new relationships and friendships

I enjoy a learning experience in another French American school of the AFSA network

I use my French, English, and Spanish knowledge and skills to communicate with like-wise globally –minded, multilingual and multicultural peers

I am self responsible away from my family

I learn to support my peers

I learn to be independent, resourceful and resilient

I learn to represent FASRI and be an ambassador of its mission and core values


Look ahead to this year's Coast to Coast 2024/2025 Global Initiatives Program




Coast to Coast San Diego 2023


Discover the 2019/2020 Coast to Coast Global Issues Leadership Program on Ocean Uses.  Brochure


“We should cherish having the opportunity to offer this learning and real life experience to our kids. I can tell you that, talking to other parents from other schools about this project, makes them envy our schools. Spread the word!”

-Coast to Coast Parent, February 2020