At a Glance
Founded: 1994
Grades: preschool (PK) through 8th grade (petite section–4eme)
Enrollment: 180 students
Number of faculty/staff: 40
French Certified: Our teachers are certified and trained in the French teaching system.
Nations represented in the FASRI community, but not limited to:
Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cape Verde, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Ethiopia, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Puerto Rico, Russia, Senegal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom
Transportation: Children in kindergarten and up are eligible to take the school bus to FASRI from the following communities: Barrington, Bristol, Central Falls, Cranston, East Providence, Johnston, Lincoln, North Providence, Pawtucket, Providence, Smithfield and Warren.
School hours:
Early morning drop-off: 7:30am to 8:15am
Maternelle / Pre-elementary: 8:30am to 2:45pm
Elementary: 8:30am to 2:55pm
Middle School: 8:15am to 2:55pm
Afterschool program: 3:30pm to 5.30pm
Statement of Non-Discrimination:
The French-American School of Rhode Island is committed as a matter of principle to providing equality and opportunity to all members of the School community. In conformance with federal and State law, the French-American School shall not discriminate against any person because of race/ethnicity, nationality and culture, language and faith, socio-economics, gender and sexual orientation, and physical challenges.
Agence pour l'enseignement Français à l'étranger
Créée en 1990, l'Agence pour l'enseignement français à l'étranger (AEFE) est un établissement public national placé sous la tutelle du ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères. En tenant compte des capacités d'accueil des établissements, elle assure les missions de service public relatives à l’éducation en faveur des enfants français résidant hors de France et contribue au rayonnement de la langue et de la culture françaises ainsi qu'au renforcement des relations entre les systèmes éducatifs français et étrangers. Le principal objectif de l'AEFE est de servir et promouvoir un réseau scolaire unique au monde, constitué en 2019-2020 de 522 établissements implantés dans 139 pays.
New England Association of Schools and Colleges
NEASC is an independent, voluntary, nonprofit membership organization which connects and serves over 1500 public, independent, and international schools in the US and worldwide. Founded in 1885, the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) has been working to establish and maintain high standards for all levels of education longer than any other accreditation agency in the United States.
Labellisation « EFE3D » :
Etablissement Français à l’Etranger en Démarche de Développement Durable
Eco-School Accreditation Level 1
Association of French schools in North America
The Association of the French Schools in North America (AFSA) is a membership organization of elementary and secondary schools in the United States and Canada, all of which are accredited by the French Ministry of National Education. The official French curriculum taught in these schools is enriched by aspects of North American culture and educational practice, and by the mastery of English as it is spoken in the United States and Canada. AFSA’s member schools educate bilingual, bicultural students, whose academic excellence prepares them for entrance to the finest European and North American universities.
Mission Laïque Française-Partenaire MLF
Association à but non lucratif reconnue d’utilité publique, la Mission laïque française est à la tête d’un réseau de 108 établissements d’enseignement français à l’étranger scolarisant plus de 61 000 élèves dans 37 pays. Par ailleurs, elle agit en tant qu'opérateur de l'Etat et/ou d'entreprises dans le cadre d'actions de coopération éducative.
National Association of Independent
The National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) is a nonprofit membership association that provides services to more than 1,800 schools and associations of schools in the United States and abroad, including more than 1,500 independent private K-12 schools in the U.S.
Providence College
Providence College is a highly rated liberal arts undergraduate institution in Providence Rhode Island with an enrollment of approximately 4100 students. The French American School of Rhode Island welcomes students from a variety of majors (Art History, Finance, History, Psychology, etc.) pursuing advanced studies in French for internships earning academic credit under the supervision of a Providence College faculty member.
RISD Museum
The RISD Museum was founded on the belief that art, artists, and the institutions that support them play pivotal roles in promoting broad civic engagement and creating more open societies.
Established in 1877 as part of a vibrant creative community, the RISD Museum stewards works of art representing diverse cultures from ancient times to the present. We interpret our collection with the focus on the maker and we deeply engage with art and artists, presenting ideas and perspectives that can be inspiring and complex. We aspire to create an accessible and inclusive environment that builds meaningful relationships across all communities.
Our collection currently contains more than 100,000 works of art and design dating from ancient times to today including paintings, sculpture, decorative arts, costume and textiles, and furniture from all over the world. Of these objects, 3,100 of them are on view in the Museum now, 81,464 of them are available online, and there are 3,871 recent acquisitions.
Providence Children's museum
The mission of Providence Children's Museum is to inspire and celebrate learning through active play and exploration.
The Museum welcomes children and adults of all backgrounds and from all communities. Its focus is on serving southern New England children, ages 1 to 11, and the adults who care for them.
Agence de Promotion du FLE
L’actualité du FLE et du français dans le monde
Retrouvez toute l’actualité du FLE en France et du français dans le monde. Les événements à venir, les publications, les rencontres, congrès, colloques, journées pédagogiques.